Sketching Workshop
Instructor: Jason Richards, NSS 41539RL FE
Have you been on a survey team, and always wanted to learn to do the sketching part? Join us 8AM Monday morning and get an introduction to sketching. The class will be split between digital sketching using Topodroid, and analog sketching using paper and protractor. You can choose to do one or the other. Topodroid students must bring their own device with a stylus running Topodroid 6.2.44-34 or later. Analog students may bring a Rite in the Rain All Weather 6 ring binder (No200) and a Roberson Cave Compass V2 (available at and 3 pencils. Paper will be provided. Alternatively, analog students may pay $25 cash at the door, and receive a complete sketching kit that they can keep! Classroom portion will be limited to 50 students total. The In-Cave portion will be limited to the first 10 people to sign up at 8AM for digital and analog formats.