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Orientation to Cave Rescue (OCR)

December 6 - December 8


Event Overview

Orientation to Cave Rescue (OCR) is an intensive Cave Training consisting of classroom and fieldwork in all phases of cave rescue including underground environment, vertical operations, extrication techniques, medical management, communications systems, and the organization and management of cave rescue operations. Participants typically include cavers, emergency service personnel, and emergency managers. OCR provides a solid foundation for the Level One course held at periodic regional seminars and annual NCRC national seminars.   The seminar provides approximately 16 hours of instruction over 2 days. Fieldwork can be strenuous and participants must be in good physical health. Students should be prepared to work in difficult situations, both above and below ground.   Participants must review and sign a liability waiver at check-in registration. Persons under the age of 18 should contact Carrey Bull (cbull@caves.org) prior to registering.  If you have medical food allergies that need to be accommodated, please contact Carrey Bull (cbull@caves.org)

  • National Cave Rescue Commission (NCRC)
  • December 6 - December 8

Event Details

Event Registration