Journal of Cave and Karst Studies
The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is the scientific publication of the NSS. Issues are available available online.
About the Journal
The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies is a multi-disciplinary, refereed journal published four times a year by the National Speleological Society, 6001 Pulaski Pike, Huntsville, Alabama 35810-1122.
The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) provides coverage of the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies beginning with Vol. 65(1) 2003 in the following areas:
- Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
- Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE), including the Web of Science
- Research Alert
Remainder issues of the Journal can be purchased From the NSS main office:
Journal Staff:
EDITOR: Malcolm S. Field
Impact Factor
Impact Factor
The Journal of Cave and Karst Studies accepts all manuscript submissions via the PeerTrack Editorial Manager, a web-based system for online submission. Reviewers will also complete and submit their reviews online using the same management system. The system is fully integrated allowing for electronic uploads, database management, and e-mail notifications to keep the process moving smoothly and sustainably for an easier, faster, and less expensive publication process. Manuscripts, CDs, and USB drives no longer need to be mailed around the world nor will there be problems with overfull e-mail boxes resulting from very large graphics files.
PeerTrack is available from any computer, operating system, and platform anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This arrangement has allowed for increased international submissions to all North American-based earth-science journals that have adopted web-based submission systems. Access by authors, editors or reviewers can continue even while traveling, so delays should become a thing of the past.
Authors submitting a manuscript to the Journal of Cave and Karst Studies can access the system at the link below and will need to first establish a login username and password. Once logged in, just follow the prompts to upload your manuscript, figures, and tables. The website will then create a PDF of the manuscript with line numbers for the author to review and approve. Once approved by the author, the manuscript will then be assigned an associate editor and the review process will be initiated.