International Speleological Participation Grants
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I want to go to Mexico on an exploration recon. Would a grant be available?
A: No, grants are not awarded to NSS members to fund their own caving activities.
Q: When may I apply for a grant?
A: Grant applications may be submitted anytime, but should be made well in advance of the need. It usually takes several weeks to review an application, obtain a consensus of the grant committee, and award the check.
Q: I met a speleologist from Cuba when I was visiting Mexico. Would a grant be available to help fund her visit to the US?
A: It would depend on the purpose of the visit and whether or not it would generate benefit for the NSS.
Q: How many dollars may I request?
A: Recent grants have been made for a few hundred dollars up to two thousand dollars. The grants are not intended to fund all of the expenses incurred by any project. A grant may be issued as a "challenge grant" (you have to find the rest of the funding to obtain the grant).
Q: I want to prepare a proposal to host the 2009 International Congress of Speleology in the USA. Would a grant be available to prepare the bid?
A: How much do you need?