Current Schedule
Arts & Letters Section
Mike Taylor & Jo Schaper
Archeology & Paleontology
Blane Schubert
Sarah Keenan
Cave Diving Section
Jason Richards
Communicatios & Electronics
John DeRoo
Conservation & Management
Val Hildreth-Werker
Cultures of Caving
María Alejandra Pérez
Cave Digging
Benjamin Brown
Geology & Geography
Katie Schmid
International Exploration
Philip Rykwalder
Eugene Vale
Spelean History
Dean Snyder
Suirvey and C artography
Carol Vesely
TAG Exploration
Kyle Lassiter
US Exploration
Pat Kambesis
Vertical Section (session)
Rachel Saker
The Master Schdule is: HERE
The Events Program is: HERE
The Fine Arts Salon late entry form is: HERE
A more detailed schedule willl be posted here when it is available.
Please send abstracts along with each session chair to: