The Case for an NSS Executive Director

Neversink - Brian Masney
Neversink - Brian Masney

After 80 years of volunteer-led operations, the National Speleological Society’s Board of Governors is considering hiring a full-time Executive Director to better achieve the Society’s mission of cave protection, study, and exploration. Below is a draft proposal for what such a structure might look like. Hiring a full-time executive would enhance organizational capacity and focus as well as address the limitations of a volunteer structure, where officers and other volunteers often struggle with time constraints and burnout. 

We would love feedback, input, and questions! We believe this potential step could be an exciting new chapter in the NSS’ history that will allow us to accomplish even more.

Preliminary work and due diligence have been completed by the Board in order to consider this choice, including the work of a committee dedicated to the task. We’ve consulted previous NSS leadership going back decades, membership input, communication with similar organizations, and other resources. We have completed preparatory work, including a draft rewrite of the bylaws, financial planning, a revised organizational chart, strengthened oversight committees, and more. The attached proposal represents a potential structure for the NSS under an Executive Director.

NOTE: The information in the following proposal is a draft and may change as we move forward. Any questions or comments can be sent to

A proposed organizational chart for the NSS under an Executive Director


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